Understanding the Chemistry Sequence at Tufts

Tufts’ Chemistry Department restructured it's chemistry sequence in keeping with the American Chemical Society recommendations, the Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians report (published by the AAMC and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute), and the MCAT2015.

Through this restructuring of the chem sequence, Tufts students begin organic chemistry at the end of the introductory year of chemistry, have an exclusive semester of organic with lab that includes all those topics relevant to biochemistry and then move directly to biochemistry.

The current sequence for pre-med students is as follows: Chem 1, Chem 2, Chem 51/53 and Biochemistry (either Bio 152 or Chem 171). Chem 11 and 12 can be substituted for Chem 1 and 2. We have been successfully preparing students for medical school with this curriculum for over eight years. We strongly advise all students to take these four classes at Tufts.  These courses should not be taken at other institutions given the unique nature of our sequence. 

  • Pre-med students who break the sequence by taking any of these courses elsewhere (or who choose to use AP credit to bypass a course) will need to take organic chemistry II to fulfill the organic chemistry requirement.
  • Pre-dental and pre-vet students must take both semesters of organic chemistry (Chem 51/53 and Chem 52/54) along with the one semester of biochemistry and are also strongly encouraged to take all

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