Expected Application Costs

Official websites provide a lot of information on the cost of application, including required tests, but these quick figures will give you a rough indication of how much you will spend on the medical school and dental school application process. (Updated January 2022)

                              Cost of Application and Standardized Tests

MCAT $325 This does not include the cost of a commercial review course, which is usually more than $2000
MSAR $28  Suggested online database system of all MD programs
AMCAS $530 Cost for ten schools: $170 for first school, $40 for every additional school
AACOMAS $298 Cost for three schools: $198 for 1 school, $50 for every additional school
Secondary Fees $1500 Usually between $75-150 per application 
ALTUS SUITE $40  Registration cost is $40; $12 for each additional distribution 
DAT $495 This does not include the cost of a commercial review course.
AADSAS $683 Cost for 5 schools: $251 for first school, $108 for each additional school
DMD TOTAL $ 1200

This doesn’t include the cost of interviews, which varies dramatically, wardrobe purchases, travel to and from the interview, and lodging and food while there.